everis Liquid Digital Workplace to face COVID-19 outbreak
In this times of uncertainty, the COVID-19 leaves us a social and economic reality which evolves daily.
In this times of uncertainty, the COVID-19 leaves us a social and economic reality which evolves daily.
The digital environment has become an absolute protagonist during the Coronavirus crisis worldwide.
Alfonso Soteras, everis Innovation Manager at NTT DATA HQ in Japan, presents knowler, the tool that connects all the knowledge of the company.
The knowledge graphs that Gartner places again in its Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies are the basis with which knowler transforms data into knowledge.
It is one of the new key objectives for organizations in the technological context marked by the impact of artificial intelligence, Big Data and IoT: to become a company guided by Data.
knowler es la solución que reinventa la gestión del conocimiento, empleando la tecnología para dar respuestas y recomendaciones personalizadas en tiempo real. El conocimiento necesario, para la persona indicada, en el momento preciso, sin preguntar knowler proporciona una nueva experiencia de trabajo creando un innovador espacio digital focalizado en el Knowledge Management. Su tecnología basada…
knowler is the solution by everis that reinvents Knowledge Management, using technology to bring answers and coginitive recommendations on real time.